A Autodesk já disponibilizou as versões 2017 das suas soluções de projecto neste mês de Abril.
Conhece as novidades do Revit 2017?
Deixo-vos algumas dicas disponíveis aqui - |LINK|
Learn about new features and enhancements in the 2017 release of the software.
Subscription Features Now Available to Users of Revit 2017
Most new features and enhancements that were made available to Autodesk subscribers in the Revit 2016 R2 release are now available to users of Revit 2017.
For a detailed list of those enhancements, see New in Revit 2016 R2.
Note: Some of the Revit 2016 R2 enhancements (such as those related to Energy Analysis for Autodesk® Revit®) apply only to students and Autodesk subscribers.
Read the following topics to learn about 2017 enhancements in different areas of the software.